This page is here for you to add your news items and provide information about local events. If you have anything you would like to add to this website please let us know.
We’re keeping an archive of The Monyash Newsletter editions on this page for you to view or download.
Dates for your Diary
You can find a full diary here.
100 Club subs now due
It’s that time of year again. The Playing Fields 100 Club subs are now due.
Still only £10 a shot – great value as inflation hasn’t affected the Playing Fields in 30 years!
David will be round to collect in the next few weeks. Alternatively, you can pay at The Old Smithy by cash or card, the latter going straight to the Playing Fields bank account. You can also pay by bank transfer.
Lastly, if you no longer want your number, please let David know. There are people wanting numbers.
Thanks in anticipation.
Pilates and Yoga
Pilates classes continue on Tuesday evenings 18:00-19:00. From 15th January 2025, Hatha Yoga is still on Wednesdays but now an hour earlier, 17:30-18:45.
Check our Pilates and Yoga page for details and our diary for dates.
Christmas Tree recycling
Derbyshire Dales District Council will recycle your real Christmas Tree if you subscribe to the garden waste recycling scheme. You can find details at this page on DDDC’s website.
🗞️Monyash News📰
The January edition of our monthly printed village newsletter is now out. You can view or download it here.
All the back issues are available on the dedicated Monyash Newsletter page here.
e-bike theft
The Bakewell Safer Neighbourhhod Team reported to the Parish Council’s November meeting. While there have been no reported crimes around Monyash, an e-bike was stolen from Hathersage. There’s been an increase in high-value bike thefts recently so residents are advised to be mindful about the security of such items.
We’d include e-scooters in that advice. The full report can be read or downloaded here.
Barn Close Farm Shop
Barn Close Farm Shop is open seven days/week just outside the village. Check out their new web page here or send them a message from here.
Community Transport
There are two schemes whose community transport services include Monyash. They’ve been added to our Links page. You can find them here at the following websites
Bakewell Community Transport
Connex Transport (Buxton)
If you’re interested in planning applications in and around Monyash, don’t forget to check our new planning webpage here from time to time. They are listed with by date of application but they can be sorted in several ways, including by date updated.
Monyash Quilters
Monyash Quilters meet every Tuesday afternoon from 2-4 in the Village Hall. They’re a friendly group with a wide range of creative talent who love making beautiful quilts and anything crafty. Drop into one of our weekly meetings as a taster to see what we do and if we can tempt you to join.
Church open daily
Since Monday 20th September 2021, St Leonard’s is open every day from 10:00 to 15:00.
All the churches in the White Peak and Yourlgreave Benefices now post their services to the website A Church Near You. Full details of all things to do with St Leonard’s are on the church’s page here.
Old news
You can find archived news up to and including 2018 here.