
Welcome to the Monyash Website
Check out the News below and explore the site using the links in the menu at the top of the page.

This site contains pages of information about our village; b&b and holiday cottage accommodation, weather forecasts, maps and directions, parish council meeting papers and minutes, local amenities and events, the village’s history, and lots more…

Photographs by Mike Williams


News items

  • After a long wait, St Leonard’s is back to having monthly services, starting with Holy Communion at 6pm on Sunday 28th July, led by Rev Sue Bamping from Taddington.
  • The annual Flower Festival at St Leonard’s will be from 24th to 31st August. There will be tea and cakes throughout the week. If you’d like to take part, even if you haven’t done it before, or if you can help with the refreshments rota, please contact Heather directly or by sending a message via this page.
  • Police and Crime Commissioner Nicolle Ndiweni has launched a consultation on the Derbyshire Police and Crime Plan for 2024-29. The responses to this consultation will directly feed in to the Plan and help her team to tackle the challenges that will make Derbyshire safer. The Commissioner understands that to do this, the Plan needs to truly reflect the needs of communities throughout Derbyshire. To help achieve this, please complete the survey which you will find at this link:
  • 🗞️📰 The July edition of our village monthly printed newsletter is now out. You can view or download it here. All the back issues are available on the dedicated Monyash Newsletter page here. 📰🗞️
  • The Parish Council has published its finance documents for the year 2023/24. You can read or download them on the PC’s finance webpage here.
  • There are two schemes whose community transport services include Monyash. They’ve been added to our Links page. You can find them here at the following websites
    Bakewell Community Transport
    Connex Transport (Buxton)
  • Derbyshire County Council has a webpage here where you can report potholes. The more people that report them, the more likely DCC are to do something about them – so please do nag the County Council by using that link and submitting a report.
  • DDDC has current grant funding available for free energy efficiency upgrades for eligible households. They are promoting the Home Upgrade Grant to residents of the Derbyshire Dales who may be eligible and have funding available for energy efficiency improvements for off gas homes where residents may be in fuel poverty – homes could be offered insulation, low carbon heating such as air source heat pumps, and solar panels. Each home will be assessed individually at no cost and no obligation. If you know of anyone who might qualify, please let them know. More information is on this page on DDDC’s website and in this poster which you can read or download.
  • You can now contact individual Parish Councillors. This extends the process we recently put in place where you can contact the Parish Council via the Parish Clerk. More details are on the Parish Councillors page here.
  • Pilates classes continue in Monyash Village Hall on Tuesday evenings from 18:00-19:00 and Hatha Yoga classes are from 19:15-20:20 on Thursdays. Check our Pilates and Yoga page for details and our diary for dates.
  • If you’re interested in planning applications in and around Monyash, don’t forget to check our new planning webpage here from time to time. They are listed with by date of application but they can be sorted in several ways, including by date updated.
  • Monyash Quilters, a friendly group with a wide range of creative talent who love making beautiful quilts and anything crafty, meet every Tuesday afternoon from 2-4. Drop into one of our meetings in the Village Hall as a taster to see what we do and if we can tempt you to join.
  • The churches in the White Peak and Youlgreave benefices now use a national website designed specifically to share church information and you will find full details on St Leonard’s page here.

Visit our News page for more details.

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If you can’t find any information which you think might be useful, or if you think we have missed something out, please e-mail us from our “Contact Monyash” page, which you can find in the menu bar at the top of every page.  We will be pleased to read your suggestions.
