Parish Council

Updated process for contacting the Parish Council
The Parish Council has expanded the mechanism for any resident to bring anything to their attention – good news or something that needs action. As well as sending a message to the Parish Clerk, you can now send a message to individual councillors using the relevant Contact form on the village website. Every page on the village website has a link to contact forms, with the Parish Council at the top of the list. You can also go directly to those forms from the Contact Monyash or the Parish Councillors pages.

Monyash Parish Council is a statutory body comprising five local councillors, a district councillor, a county councillor and the clerk to the council. The Council has a range of powers and seeks to look after, and represent the needs of, the local community.

As always, if anyone wishes to contact the Parish Council please do not hesitate to send a message via the PC’s contact form here.

The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Monday 5th August 2024, starting at 19:00.

You will find agendas, minutes and other meeting papers here, along with a list of meeting dates.

A list of councillors and more information on the Parish Council’s responsibilities can be found here.

The Parish Council publishes its accounts and other financial information here.

You can contact the Clerk to the Parish Council by sending a message from this page.