2007 Wells Dressing pictures

These three dressings were erected close to wells in Monyash during the Spring Bank Holiday week in late May 2007.

The adult well celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Mass Trespass on Kinder Scout on 24th April 1932. This event has become a symbol of the long campaign for access to the moors and mountains of Britain. Donations from this well went to the Kinder Mountain Rescue Team.

The junior well, made by the junior children at Monyash School, depicts Magpie Mine, a nearby landmark. This former lead mine still has many of it’s buildings and associated mine workings available to see. Donations from this well went to the John Muir Trust, which is dedicated to the conservation of wild and special places in our landscape.

The infant well, made by the infant children, is a very pretty picture with the words “Thanks for the crops that feed us again”. It was designed by Megan Little (7), Sarah Garlick (7), Kirsten Dick (6) and Kim Newton (6).

Celebrating the Mass Trespass – 2007 Adult Well Dressing
Thanks for the crops – 2007 Infant Well Dressing

Photographs by Shirley Johnston

Magpie Mine – 2007 Junior Well Dressing