2002 Wells Dressing pictures

These three dressings were erected close to wells in Monyash during the Spring Bank Holiday week in late May 2002. They are made by students at the local school, as well as by a number of adults.

This wells dressing, created by the junior pupils at Monyash Primary School, represents Pilsbury Castle, and was a tie-in with a recent project undertaken by the school.

2002 Junior Well Dressing
2002 Infant Well Dressing

This wells dressing was created by the infants at Monyash Primary School, and celebrates the recent Golden Jubilee of the Queen.

The final wells dressing was created by a number of adults around the village. This wells dressing traditionally has a biblical theme, and this year a theme of ‘The Lord is My Shepherd’, taken from Psalm 23, was chosen to represent the great relief in the region at the end of the Foot and Mouth crisis.

2002 Adult Well Dressing

Photographs by Shirley Johnston