Mobile Library
Village Green The Square, MonyashFull details of the mobile library service including a county-wide schedule are on this page on the County Council website.
in the heart of the Peak District
Full details of the mobile library service including a county-wide schedule are on this page on the County Council website.
Pilates for Men is taking a break. Watch this space for details about restarting.
Domestic bins will be emptied a day later than usual. For most of us, this means green (if you subscribe to the garden waste scheme) and blue bins emptied on Thursday 30th May.
Hatha Yoga ending with Yoga Nidra relaxationClasses by Caroline WebsterMore details on our Pilates and Yoga page
Tea and Tots is taking a break for Well Dressing and Half Term. The next session will be on Friday 7th June 2024.
St Leonard’s is open every day from 10:00-15:00 for private prayer.We are looking forward to welcoming you inside our historic village church and know that you will help keep our village safe. Please take sensible precautions to avoid passing on any infection.
A walk lasting an hour and a half or so starting at the ancient market cross on the village green, led by Simon Corble. For more details, check out this page on our website.
Classes by Dave Swinhoe More details about Iyengar Yoga on the IYUK website
A friendly group with a wide range of creative talent who love making beautiful quilts and anything crafty. Drop into one of our weekly meetings as a taster to see what we do and if we can tempt you to join.