Iyengar Yoga
Monyash Village Hall Church Street, MonyashClasses by Dave Swinhoe More details about Iyengar Yoga on the IYUK website
in the heart of the Peak District
Classes by Dave Swinhoe More details about Iyengar Yoga on the IYUK website
Update: closure extended to 12th NovemberHorse Lane will be closed near the junction with Chapel Street from 4th to 8th November to facilitate works by Severn Trent Water to repair a pipe. The closure notice reads as if the road will be open in the evenings and overnight, but the wording is not clear. Details…
A friendly group with a wide range of creative talent who love making beautiful quilts and anything crafty. Drop into one of our weekly meetings as a taster to see what we do and if we can tempt you to join.
UPDATE - roadworks extended to 29th Nov. Details can be found on the roadworks website here. There are roadworks on Tagg Lane between Cross Lane and The Whim, on behalf of Fibre Assets Ltd. There will be two-way signals in place to manage traffic. Details can be found on two pages on the roadworks website…
Classes by Caroline Webster More details on our Pilates and Yoga page
Full details of the mobile library service including a county-wide schedule are on this page on the County Council website.
Hatha Yoga ending with Yoga Nidra relaxationClasses by Caroline WebsterMore details on our Pilates and Yoga page
At the annual Pie and Peas 🥧🫛 evening at the pub, you can choose from suet or shortcrust pastry for your meat & potato pie, served with mushy peas, mashed swede, pickled red cabbage and crusty bread to mop up! There’s Homity Pie available too.🥧🫛Takeout and delivery can be arranged🥧🫛
Tea & Cake, Crafts and Chat – what’s not to like?!
“Reflection” is usually on the third Sunday in the month, from 6-6:45pm. Everyone is very welcome to attend.