Makers and Crafters Fair
Monyash Village Hall Church Street, MonyashMonyash Quilters present a Makers and Crafters Fair Attendance is FREE and refreshments are available. Full details are in this poster which you can read or download.
in the heart of the Peak District
Monyash Quilters present a Makers and Crafters Fair Attendance is FREE and refreshments are available. Full details are in this poster which you can read or download.
Classes by Dave Swinhoe More details about Iyengar Yoga on the IYUK website
A friendly group with a wide range of creative talent who love making beautiful quilts and anything crafty. Drop into one of our weekly meetings as a taster to see what we do and if we can tempt you to join.
Classes by Caroline Webster More details on our Pilates and Yoga page
Hatha Yoga ending with Yoga Nidra relaxationClasses by Caroline WebsterMore details on our Pilates and Yoga page
Guest speaker, competition and refreshments.
Messy Church is straight after school, usually on the 2nd Friday of the month.£2 per child, incuding food and squash.Children must be accompanied by an adult.We are making Christmas decorations and decorating our tree for the village Christmas Tree Festival.
Remembrance Morning Service, to be followed by Act of Remembrance on the Village Green at 11am. As always, everyone's most welcome.
Act of Remembrance by the War Memorial