6 events found.
All Day
Erecting Children’s Wells
Monyash Primary School Church Street, MonyashExact time TBD for erecting the children’s well dressings
Church open 10:00-15:00
St Leonard's Church Church Street, MonyashSt Leonard’s is open every day from 10:00-15:00 for private prayer.We are looking forward to welcoming you inside our historic village church and know that you will help keep our…
Bakewell Road Closure
Bridge Street in Bakewell will be closed "To facilitate Footway Resurfacing". More details on this page on the One Network website.
No Tea and Tots
Monyash Village Hall Church Street, MonyashTea and Tots is taking a break for Well Dressing and Half Term. The next session will be on Friday 7th June 2024.